Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Grandson Identifies Heinrich Winter in Camp Aliceville Photo

Recently, Mary Bess Paluzzi, Executive Director of the Aliceville Museum, recommended my book, Guests Behind the Barbed Wire, to Philipp Winter who has been an exchange student in Idaho this summer. Philipp discovered Camp Aliceville on the Internet and made inquiries about the camp because his grandfather, Heinrich Winter, had been interned there.

When Philipp told his parents about the book, they bought a copy and were amazed to see the Plate 15 photograph (displayed above) in the center of the book. It shows Heinrich Winter, the middle runner, with the number 154 on his shorts during a running event at Camp Aliceville during World War II.

"A little wonder," Philipp wrote to Mary Bess Paluzzi. "That is so amazing. Thank you so much."

Mary Bess is also excited because this information identifies by name someone in the collection of Army photos of Camp Aliceville. I am excited, too.


Unknown said...

Hey Ms. Cook,
Thank you so much for putting up the infos about my grandfather.

Today I found out, that you have been an exchangestudent in germany with American Field Service (AFS), And now the funny part: This is exactly the same organization, that I am here with!


Ruth Cook said...


So good to hear from you! Yes, this is quite a coincidence. My AFS experience was in 1961, and I left Bremen for home on August 13, the day the wall went up in Berlin! I never dreamed then, nor did I indicate it at all in my trip journal, that that wall would stay up as long as it did!

I lived with a family in Ravensburg who spoke no English, which turned out to be a great experience.

Please let me know more about your AFS experience in Idaho.

Ruth Cook